How to Get Into Leadpages


There’s no chance that you haven’t stumbled upon a landing page on the internet — a page with the singular purpose of getting your email in exchange for free content such as e-books and online courses.

They’re useful tools for companies and most everyone could find a good use for one.

There used to be only two ways you could acquire a landing page for your business.

You could build one yourself from the bottom up, relying upon coding and your eye and strengths to create something that was both functional and aesthetically appeasing. At the end of the day, the goal is to make a landing page that will encourage your viewers to click on them.

If you couldn’t do it yourself since it wasn’t your expertise, you could turn to other people and request their professional assistance. You would have to surrender yourself to designers and programmers who would play a mental, verbal and financial tug-of-war with you as you build what you need to construct.

Thank god there is a third path these days.

That is where Leadpages comes in.

It introduces itself as a tool which will allow you to create your landing pages on your own, without needing to know any code, together with easy and great results. A significant player in landing page builders, it’ll give you templates to play around with to get the task finished. Granting this is a new technology (as shown in this study done in 2016 about existing libraries for web design tools) this is a great third option for your needs

So is it the answer to all your problems? Is it worth it? What are its strengths and weaknesses?

Let’s jump in and discover!


Lead By Features How to Get Into Leadpages

Leadpages was created in 2010 by Clay Collins over at Minneapolis. With a staff whose passion can be felt no matter what, the company now has over 45,000 users and is one of the top choices in helping businesses better themselves online. Don’t believe us? See how easy it is yourself thanks to this handy tutorial by Yes to Tech:

One of the greatest things they have done is the way they have made among the most powerful development programs on the market, but was able to make it easy to use and not complicated. Using it won’t feel as though you’ve got to take a crash course and cram just to be able to get started.

For new users out there, that really sets the tone for what Leadpages is all about.

And as soon as you’re over the anxiety of using it, the apprehension which comes with a new instrument, it’s simple to dive deep into the features they offer and see how powerful it truly is.

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Certainly one of the jewels, and really a business standout, are their own templates. They have over a 150+ superbly designed templates ready to use, all which can be categorized by purpose and industry, and are even mobile friendly.

Whatever your requirements may be, whether it’s a giveaway or something to catch their attention and data — they’ll have it.

Getting into specifics, Leadpages has two different kinds, Drag and Drop, and Standard. Among the cons for them though is that you don’t actually have a lot of space to customize them. The standard templates can’t be edited, even when they claim it could be.

Not all is perfect though as using the Drag and Drop editor, a glitch occurs making the boundaries look off. When you drag a specific element in, at times it slips to the wrong place so that may be a little frustrating. And if you delete certain elements which don’t work for you, there’s a tendency for there to be spaces you want to fill up.

In the grand scheme of things, these aren’t really major problems, just minor inconveniences. They are not detrimental for you getting everything you want. But they could get in the way of a smooth experience, and all these are something you should be prepared for.

Leadpages isn’t limited to just making landing pages, but can also be used to create other useful and powerful tools. How to Get Into Leadpages


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In the end, for them to become this popular, they need to possess more than just the basics in their toolbox. What kind of industry leader wouldn’t?

One really good example is”Leadboxes” — essentially beautifully designed pop-ups that’ll enable you to reach your mark, without being bothersome. You can also go for an option to track your visitor’s interactions with your pop up, letting you view and access data that can allow you to ascertain its effectiveness.

Coupled with Google Analytics, this could help you see exactly what works and what does not so that you can evaluate your next actions.

They also permit you to produce your personal alert bars — small bars found at the top of your browser display that typically alerts you to a sale or a promo. Besides being a helpful improvement, Leadpages has made it so that it’s easy to design!

And needless to say, you will find Leadlinks — Links you can embed in an email so that all the receivers have to do is click and they will automatically opt-in. Having an easy sign up option is always a fantastic answer to people’s aversion to complicated or time consuming sign-up processes.

A good thing which Leadpages did not overlook was appropriate integration. They took the lead with that and it is insanely useful.

In terms of connectivity, you’re allowed to connect your Leadpages to anything you need it to – email, payment processor, analytics or social media platform. Google analytics, Facebook Ads and over 40+ other options — in a world where data and connectivity mean so much, being this integrated is a massive, huge boon for you.

How to Get Into Leadpages

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Lead By Price

Leadpages isn’t cheap, but that is not to say it isn’t worth it. It’s worth far more than the price you pay, .

The standard strategy of Leadpages is $37 per month. It can go down to $25 or even $17 a month if you opt for the 1-year or 2-year plan, respectively. How to Get Into Leadpages

If you want to get serious with this, and come equipped with AB testing, Leaddigits, and Leadlinks, then the Pro Plan will cost you around $79 a month. Much like the normal program, should you commit to a longer plan, you can get it at either $49 a month or $24 per month for a 1-year or 2-year commitment, respectively.

And then there is the Advanced Plan Lead pages, which they recommend for marketing teams and agencies. With this subscription, you pretty much have everything that LeadPages has to offer Here, you can get it for $159 a month for a 2-year lock , or at $199 a month for an yearly plan.

There isn’t a monthly price option for Advanced though, so take note.

Should you add it up, even in the standard program on a 1-year commitment you’ll be spending $300. Which could be bit hefty, yes. But then again, for all you’re getting, it is a fairly great deal. It will never be considered as a steal, but you can say value for money for certain.

And for what it’s worth, they supply a 14-day trial as well as a 30-day Money-Back Guarantee. So just in case you’re the type who’d like to try things first to see if it’s worth it, this option is there.

Lead by Worth

So at the end of the day, is Leadpages worth it?

And our fair answer is, Yes, Leadpages is very much worth it.

It is super novice friendly thanks to its drag and drop editor, you have over 200+ free templates to pick from (not to mention some additional paid ones) and it’s excellent integration for email marketing solutions, webinars, etc.

And that is just the beginning.

While yes, it does have cons like the limited ability to tinker around with templates, how you can’t design the reactive version of your page as well as the price — which can be already a little steep in the least expensive plan without great features like A/B test webpages — the pros outweigh the cons.

So next time you need a landing page, make sure to land your decision on Leadpages. It makes creating stunning landing pages that can help you do what you need to do so damn easy without sacrificing quality. And in a world where everything is so fast and so personalized, wouldn’t you want to lead easily?


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Q: Can I link whatever I construct using Leadpages to my domain?

A: Yes! Every page printed with Leadpages is hosted on our servers at your Leadpages domainname. If you currently have domain, it is really easy to link your domain name to your own leadpages account and publish it into the domain of your choice.

Q: Can I simply try Leadpages initially, or do I have to commit right off the bat?

A: Leadpages offers a 14-day free trial that you can check out so you can see what they have to give you!

Q: When I use the Free Trial, will the version of Leadpages I will be using be limited?

A: No, you’ll get free, unlimited access to a chosen Leadpages plan. You may use it as if you’re a paying customer to get 14-days, no strings attached. After the 14 days, you will become a paid subscriber so if it’s not for you, you really have to cancel ahead.

Q: Can Leadpages replace my site?

A: Yes. It can work as a supplement to your existing website, or replace it altogether if you’d like it to. With Leadpages‘s easy to use tools, it is definitely within your reach.

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